Because your student is naturally fascinated by the interrelationships of things, ideas, and people at this age, MSR first establishes the vast context within which all human knowledge, experiences, and relationships take place. To intrigue and engage the elementary-age student, Maria Montessori developed the five Great Lessons, a framework for academic studies established through epic stories about:
- the origins of the Universe
- the inception of life on Earth
- the development of human life, culture, and accomplishments
- the history of language
- the history of numbers
These interconnected stories span the enormous historical framework of time and space, human and animal life, invention, and civilization. They introduce themes of progress and interdependency, and the nature of our universe. They inspire awe and wonder about the ecology of the natural world and development of uniquely human ingenuity. They also build a sense of the importance of making a contribution to the continuing stream of human progress.
The unifying thread of the Great Lessons ensures that the disciplines remain tightly interconnected, so that as he progresses he not only acquires essential mastery in traditional academic subjects, he also comes to understand and interpret that content within a complete and coherent context.
In Elementary School at MSR, your child masters the subject matter and gains a sense of why (and how) it matters.
In Upper Elementary, students learn to balance academic skill-building with personal long-term projects and venture more often outside of the classroom for increasingly complex, collaborative, and often service-oriented Practical Life works. Students have a collaborative role to play in planning and executing events within and outside the classroom. They learn to navigate the use of tools to find destinations, calculate costs and arrange funds, book appointments by phone or email, and arrange times and dates. Students continue to care for their shared classroom space as well, ensuring areas are kept tidy and the classroom garden is managed.
Upper Elementary students dive deeply into abstract math concepts and theories and master all state and national grade-level standards and more (e.g. ratios and percentages, statistics and probability, geometric calculations, and early algebra).
With strong reading and writing skills, your upper elementary student moves on to more advanced language studies. He diagrams sentences, evaluates primary and secondary resources, interprets authorial intent, considers different perspectives, writes critical analyses, crafts multi-paragraph essays, integrates supporting evidence, and accurately applies English language mechanics and styles in many different genres and disciplines.
Your upper elementary student advances toward more meaningful analysis, research, and interpretation. How did ancient civilizations come to be? What role does society play in deciding what’s moral? Why are different behaviors seen as appropriate in different cultures? As he explores these and other critical questions, he acquires new knowledge, skills, and tools—including technological—for collecting information, evaluating sources, organizing and presenting findings, and making sense of his discoveries.
In Upper Elementary, your student begins to master the Scientific Method. He tests hypothesis on electricity and circuits, designs his own model cars, completes in-depth research on endangered species, and educates peers on his research process. He experiments with the physics of simple machines and studies the properties and characteristics of earth materials, the nature of chemical bonds, the laws of electrical currents. He analyzes the scientific breakthroughs that have shaped our world—pulley systems, battery power, electric light, space exploration, and more—building the foundation for his own inventive discoveries.
Creativity and innovation, communication and collaboration, research and information fluency, critical thinking, problem solving, and decision-making—your student’s ability to wield technological tools is essential to developing and applying all of these crucial life skills. Lower Elementary students begin with keyboarding and software navigation. By third grade, they’re using a range of programs to create and present project work. In Upper Elementary, students explore the most relevant emerging technologies for collaboration and sharing information, learning not only to navigate and apply new tools but also to evaluate whether and when a digital platform and its content are reliable and useful.
Beginning in 4th grade, your student can participate in interscholastic sports! MSR fields competitive teams in boys’ and girls’ basketball, coed cross country, boys' and girls’ soccer, boys tennis, and girls volleyball. As a member of the Triangle Middle School Conference, MSR student-athletes can participate in an established league with conference tournaments and championships each season. With our new upper school athletic facilities on our Lead Mine Campus, we host home soccer games and cross country tournaments, and basketball and volleyball competitions in our regulation-sized gym. Beyond the fun of playing and competing, our students learn every time they step into the game. They learn how to set and work toward long-term goals, take smart risks, and handle both wins and losses with grace and good sportsmanship. MSR has a "no-cuts" policy and all interested students in grades four through eight are invited to practices.
As students progress through Elementary School and more instructional time in Spanish, their increasingly robust vocabulary allows for a stronger focus on comprehension, pronunciation, conversation, and even writing. Throughout these years, Spanish lessons frequently align with interdisciplinary studies in Humanities and English language.
In Upper Elementary, students are ready to apply artistic techniques and principles to create more complex and original compositions—in both music and visual arts. Through regular and increasingly sophisticated musical performance and artistic exhibitions, he gains confidence and composure and learns to show proper etiquette and technique. He also learns to recognize different art styles and periods, to analyze and interpret pieces of art, and to form, express, and intelligently defend his own opinions. In our theater program, he will learn to express himself through a broad range of human emotions while developing body awareness and spatial perception. He will use his creativity to collaborate with his peers to produce dramatic works and learn new techniques for performing improvisational skits.