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Middle School (Grades 7 - 8)

Your student takes their first intrepid steps into adulthood during middle school. These years find adolescents engaging in focused, critical thinking, and deepening their emotional and social awareness.

Parents often approach their students’ middle school years with apprehension, expecting them to look like a version either of their own adolescent experiences or those we see all too often in pop culture: physically awkward, socially cliquish, rife with the growing pains that distract from academic work and from the equally critical work of healthy self and social development. 

At MSR, you find a very different reality: young people excited about school, really being themselves, puzzling through and appreciating each other’s differences, focusing, competing, performing, critiquing, and inventing — while also meeting and regularly surpassing the highest academic standards.

Middle School Life at MSR

Learn More About Middle School